Study reveals why we find other people’s cell phone conversations annoying

You may want to think twice before using your cell phone in the library,  computer lab, or classroom.  A series of experiments conducted at Cornell University found that college students made more errors when completing tasks when listening to one-sided conversations (cell phones) when compared to two-sided conversations. Lead study author, Lauren Emberson, explains "Much … Continue reading Study reveals why we find other people’s cell phone conversations annoying

If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em

A recent article in the Chronicle of Higher Education, "The Campus in the Palm of Your Hand describes how cell phone services are being used on college and university campuses as a way for faculty, staff, and students to communicate with one another.  As college and university administrators realize that cellphones are the best, and often the only way … Continue reading If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em