3 thoughts on “New Library Calendar – Automatically Updates!

  1. Hello,
    Would you be willing to share how you pulled the today’s hours info from google calendar and put in on the homepage. Thanks very much for any information that you can give.

    Ying Yu
    Assistant Professor/ Librarian
    Columbia Basin College
    (509) 542-4890

  2. Ying,

    Certainly! I followed the article on Code4Lib: http://journal.code4lib.org/articles/46 and modified it as needed using the Google API documentation: http://code.google.com/apis/calendar/data/1.0/developers_guide_js.html

    I found this website very useful as well: http://gdata-javascript-client.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/samples/calendar/simple_sample/simple_sample.html

    Feel free to look at the code I used on our homepage. If you have any questions, please email me at ahartman [at] reynolds [dot] edu

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