Our new collection of digital audiobooks from OverDrive currently contains over 130 titles. Fiction titles include: drama, historical fiction, literature, mystery & suspense, poetry, science fiction & fantasy. Nonfiction titles include: biographies, current events & politics, and history.

Some quick information about the OverDrive audiobook collection:

  • Check outs and holds are made using a valid MyVCCS login, not a library card.
  • You may have a maximum of 2 titles checked out from the Digital Library at any one time.
  • Downloaded titles are checked out for 14 days and are automatically returned to the library.
  • Our Virginia Community College Libraries collection does not currently offer movies or music downloads.
  • Audiobooks can be downloaded on your home computer, a compatible portable device, and many titles can also be burned to a CD. 

For more information or assistance in using these audiobooks, contact the Reference Desk.  You can also check out our Getting Started Guide or the help information provided on the OverDrive audiobook web site. 

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