banned0721.jpgIn recognition of Banned Books Week, we have put up this display at the Downtown Campus Library. These books have not been banned at the JSRCC libraries. Celebrate your freedom to read by checking one out from the library.

Here is a list of the books that are in the display. They will be available for checkout in January. In the meantime, many of them can be found at the Parham Campus Library.

Here are some websites that give reasons for titles being challenged or banned.



3 thoughts on “Caution! Banned Books

  1. Hi, is there a list of banned books? I don’t get to the downtown campus. Thanks

  2. The Parham and Downtown campus libraries have several books that list books that have beened banned throughout history:

    -Literature Suppressed on Political Grounds / Parham Campus
    [Ref Z658.U5 K37 2006]
    -Literature Suppressed on Religious Grounds / Parham Campus
    [Ref BL65 .C45 B35 2006]
    -Literature Suppressed on Sexual Grounds / Parham Campus
    [Ref PN56 .E7 S68 2006]
    -Literature Suppressed on Social Grounds / Parham Campus
    [Ref Z658 .U5 S69 2006]
    -Banned Books, 387 B.C. to 1978 A.D. / Parham & Downtown Campus
    [Z1019 .H15 1978]
    -Banned Books / Downtown Campus
    [Ref Z1019 .H15 1955]

    You can also check out the American Library Association’s web site for a list of banned books:

    -ALA Banned Books Week:

    -ALA Challenged & Banned Books:

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