New York-Style Turkey
You’ll Need...
You’ll Need...
Heavy Duty Foil

Onion Rub:
Ketchup Glaze:
PREHEAT oven to 350 F. Mix all ingredients for the onion rub and set aside. Thoroughly mix all ingredients for the ketchup glaze. Reserve about 1 cup of glaze for the cooked turkey.
LINE a roasting pan that is at least 2 inches deep with Reynolds Wrap® Heavy Duty Foil.
REMOVE neck and giblets from turkey; rinse and pat turkey dry. Place turkey in foil-lined roasting pan. If desired, loosely stuff turkey.
COAT turkey with the onion dry rub, then brush with the ketchup glaze.
MAKE a foil tent by placing a sheet of foil over the turkey, leaving 1 inch between the top of the turkey and the foil tent for heat circulation. Crimp foil onto long sides of pan.
Tips + Techniques
Foil Tenting a Turkey
ROAST turkey until a meat thermometer reads 165 F, about 3 to 3 1/2 hours for a 14-pound unstuffed turkey. Remove from oven and let stand for 15 minutes. Remove and discard foil.
TRANSFER turkey to a serving dish. Brush the turkey with the reserved ketchup glaze. Dress the plate with fresh parsley, sauerkraut, ketchup-glazed onions and caramelized onions, then drizzle spicy brown mustard on top of the turkey.